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The Blue Dragon

Powerful Terahertz Wand

Introducing The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand, a cutting-edge device that harnesses the transformative power of terahertz waves to promote relaxation and overall well-being. 


Inspired by the latest scientific research, Grandmaster David set out to revolutionize and re-design the terahertz technology, to create a superior device, for powerful self-care at home. 



The Blue Dragon Is A Powerful Self-Care Tool

With it's sleek and ergonomic design, the Blue Dragon Terahertz Therapy Wand enables you to easily target specific areas of the body.  Simply glide the wand over your skin, allowing the Terahertz waves to work their magic.  These waves help increase blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and alleviate pain, providing relief from aches, stiffness, and discomfort. 


But the benefits don't stop there.  The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand is also designed to promote relaxation and balance in the both the mind and body.  The gentle vibrations emitted by the wand help soothe tension, reduce stress, and restore harmony, allowing you to experience deep relaxation and rejuvenation. 


Whether you're dealing with chronic pain, muscle stiffness, or simply craving a moment of simplicity, The Blue Dragon Terahertz Therapy Wand is  your go-to solution.  Experience the power of terahertz therapy in the palm of your hand and unlock a world of wellness.  Treat yourself to the soothing and revitalizing effects of The Blue Dragon Terahertz Therapy Wand and embark on a journey of healing and rejuvenation today. 
















Benefits of The Blue Dragon Terahertz Device For Stress Conditions Associated with TCM Diagnoses of Dampness:


The Blue Dragon Terahertz device, equipped with an extra long  and extra thick crystal tube, offers several potential benefits for managing stress conditions, particularly those associated with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) diagnoses of Dampness. Here’s how this device can be beneficial:


1.    Enhanced Energy Flow:

  • Qi Stagnation: In TCM, stress and Dampness often lead to Qi stagnation. The Blue Dragon wand, with its terrahertz frequencies and extra thick extended crystal tube, helps promote the smooth flow of Qi, breaking up stagnation and restoring balance.


2.   Reduction of Dampness: ​

  • Dampness and Phlegm: The penetrating Terahertz waves can assist in resolving internal Dampness and Phlegm by improving microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. This is crucial for alleviating the heavy, sluggish feeling often associated with Dampness.  


2.    Stress Relief: ​

  • Calming Effect: The soothing frequencies emitted by the Terahertz device can help calm the mind and reduce stress, which is particularly beneficial for individuals whose stress exacerbates Dampness conditions.


3.    Enhanced Detoxification: ​

  • Toxin Removal: Improved circulation and lymphatic function facilitated by the device can enhance the body's natural detoxification processes, helping to clear Dampness and associated toxins from the body.


4.    Boosting Immunity:​

  • Immune Support: By improving overall circulation and reducing Dampness, the Terahertz device can support immune function, making the body more resilient to stress and environmental factors that contribute to Dampness.


Practical Application

  • Regular Use: Incorporating regular sessions with the Terahertz device can help maintain balanced Qi flow, reduce Dampness, and manage stress effectively.

  • Complementary Therapy: Using the Terahertz device alongside other TCM treatments such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary adjustments can provide a holistic approach to managing Dampness and stress.



The Blue Dragon Terahertz device, especially with an extra long and extra thick crystal tube, offers a non-invasive and complementary method to support the treatment of stress and Dampness in TCM. Its ability to enhance microcirculation, promote detoxification, and restore energetic balance makes it a valuable tool in holistic health management.'



                      Frequently Asked Questions:


1. Q:  There more inexpensive wands, I was considering another brand, what's the difference? 

    A:  The Blue Dragon was designed to our specifications, with a proprietary combination of specialized frequencies of Terahertz, that are most compatible with the human body. This makes our wand extremely powerful while minimizing detox or side effects that other wands may produce, for a smooth and balanced experience. 


2. Q:   I have already tried a different Terahertz Wand and didn't notice anything, will your wand work for me?

   A:    While we cannot say for 100% sure, there is a high probability that you will definitely notice positive benefits from using The Blue Dragon, even if you didn't notice benefits from using another Terahertz Wand. Our wand is very powerful and we stand behind it 100%. We have had customers who did not find benefit from competitor wands, try The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand and were amazed at how powerful and effective it is!


3. Q:  Aren't all Terahertz Wands the same? 

    A:  No, not at all! There are a lot of knock offs currently in the Terahertz Market so we advise being careful when purchasing a Terahertz Wand. Some do not contain the glass tubing, or actual Terahertz Frequencies, and are made with cheap and possible carcinogenic materials. Some knock offs are not as effective or not effective at all, so you are essentially blowing "hot air" through a plastic tube without much benefit. 


4. Q:  How is The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand different from a competitor wand?

    A:  The Blue Dragon Wand is heavier in weight than other wands, so it is sturdier and will not break as easily in the event it is accidentally dropped. The Blue Dragon has an extra thick and extra long crystal tube inside making it extremely effective and powerful, and it also has a blue light (as opposed to a red light). There are multiple frequencies of Terahertz compared to one single frequency, as found in some other wands. The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand is also enhanced with quantum technology you won't find in other wands, making it one of the most powerful and effective wands on the market!


5. Q:  How fast will I notice results? 

    A:  This depends on what you are using it for and results will vary from person to person. For acute issues, it can help rather quickly, customers have reported that it has helped with aches and pains in the back, legs, and hip within one to three uses.  For chronic long term health issues, we recommend using the Blue Dragon every day for one month. If you use it consistently, you should notice results sooner than one month, however we recommend 30 days of consistent use so you can evaluate the benefits over a period of time. Many customers just "feel better" after consistent use and have reported more energy, better sleep, less aches and pains, better focus, improved mood and digestion.  It has been reported to alleviate back pain, joint pain, and more!


6. Q:  Will this help my sleep?

    A:  Many customers have reported a more restful sleep, easier to fall asleep, and sleep with less interruptions of waking up during the night, after just a few uses of The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand.


7.  Q:  Why does this cost more than the competitor brand?

     A:  The prices of Terahertz Wands range from several hundred dollars, to several thousand dollars. Our wand is more inexpensive in comparison to some other wands that retail for over $3,000 dollars! It is more expensive than some wands, but you do get what you pay for, and our wand costs more to produce because of the superior quality! This product is more effective, so you will get results quicker and feel better sooner. It is sturdier and more reliable to hold up over time. We guarantee there is NOTHING just like it on the market, because it's one of a kind just as we designed it to be. 


8.  Q: Do You Offer A Warranty?

     A: Yes, we offer a 1 year warranty on the wand with normal use. 


9.  Q: Can I earn money for referring someone else to buy a wand?

     A:  Yes! If you're interested in being part of our referral program please email us for details! You can earn income through our referral program.


10. Q: Do you have a practitioner discount?

      A: We offer generous compensation for referrals, so if you're a practitioner and are interested in promoting our product please let us know by sending us an email, we can work out a customized compensation referral program for you. 


11. Q: Who makes The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand?

      A:  We worked specifically with a company who specializes in advanced technologies, and had them design this to our specifications. We went back and forth with them until it was produced to our satisfaction and was both powerful and effective! This is our own brand of Terahertz Wand designed by US, made by a company who we trust and have worked with for many years in our other projects. 


12. Q: I googled The Blue Dragon and didn't find a lot of information on the web. Why is that?

      A:  The Blue Dragon is part of our brand new product line of self care tools, so although we have hundreds of happy customers, not everyone has taken the time to leave a review, or post to their social media.   We wanted our clients to have high quality, powerful tools at home, with an opportunity to earn income through referrals! So we created The Blue Dragon Terahertz Wand, to be more powerful, more effective, and more sturdy.  We use it daily in our own routine and it has helped us, therefore we can recommend it with 100% confidence that our customers are getting an extremely high quality product, that will be both effective and beneficial to them.  


13. Q: Do you have any training videos or support for The Blue Dragon?

      A:  YES! We have videos on our Youtube Channel and a private Chat Support Group on Signal where you can connect with other users and customers who are also using our self care tools! We are working on getting more video content up soon and have plans for continued Training Videos and recommended protocols. Please email us for the link to join our chat group! You find our training videos by visiting our YouTube channel at


14.  Q:  What is the blue light good for? 

       A:  Blue Light can improve alertness, memory and mood as well as regulate the body's circadian rhythm.  Blue light can treat acne, sun damage, and can also help with chronic inflammatory skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis by reducing inflammation.  Blue light can also help regulate the body's natural sleep and wake cycle, or circadian rhythm.  These are just a few benefits of blue light, although there are many more not listed hereAll of our products are enhanced with quantum technology to make for an optimum experience.



Pricing: Retail $2,450

Summer Sale: $1,250

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