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Remote Phone Energy One on One Sessions


            Customized, One on One Energy Sessions


Sessions are offered over the phone and are by appointment only. For those who live local, sessions may also be performed in person. If you are in the Tampa Bay Area please email us to book a session.


We offer Emotional Clearing, Energetic Clearing, and Spiritual Clearing, and many other modalities including customized sessions, and methods such as the Serenity Method, and Tranquility Method. 


You will receive one on one, individualized session and during the duration of your session you will work directly with your practitioner via phone. 


A One on One Session can help support emotional; mental; physical; and spiritual imbalances. You will be able to speak with your practitioner directly as they work with you remotely. 



                           Experience Peace Now

The Serenity Method, developed by Grandmaster David Harris, addresses deep rooted emotional imbalances, traumas, childhood memories and events of the past, clearing and neutralizing the negative energies and imprints associated with them. The Serenity Method helps bring us closer to emotional freedom by dissolving the roots and threads that hold these negative energies together.  By dissolving the cobwebs of our past through emotional clearing, this allows us to experience the peace and serenity within.


We can experience Serenity right now, regardless of whether or not we have reached our goals, or whether or not we are where we want to be in our journey.  By clearing out traumas and negative energies, we can find clarity, comfort, peace, joy, and serenity in this moment, right now.


                             Clear Negative Energy 

Energy is all around of us, and the invisible spiritual world exists regardless of whether or not we can see it. Spiritual clearing helps detach and remove negative energies from the body, that may be impacting our health in ways we are not aware of. A remote session may be helpful to "reset" our energetic fields, and clear away the heaviness and oppressive energies we have picked up in our daily routine, or over time.


Shun Shen Tao Spiritual Clearing Sessions can help remove negative energies from the body, and act as a "reset and refresh" button for the body, mind and soul. These sessions are great for general emotional clearing, and can also address deeper emotional, energetic and spiritual imbalances. Sessions can address a person, situation past or present, or groups of people (for example: a household or family). We also love working on pets, and multiple pets can be included in the same session.



                        Stress Causes Many Symptoms


It is a proven Scientific Fact that Stress can cause a variety of endless symptoms, including but not limited to, anxiety, depression, fatigue, overthinking, obsessive repetitive thoughts, anger, sadness, frustration, grief, trouble falling asleep, digestive disturbances, headaches, neck and back pain, restlessness, being easily agitated, chest pressure, migraines, trouble breathing, rapid heartbeat, weight gain, and much more. 


                                  Relief of Stress 

Relief of stress can bring about relief from many symptoms, and may support better mood, happiness, experiencing joy, peace, sound sleep, satisfaction, healthy appetite, optimal weight, motivation, clear mind, normal breathing, normal heart rate, improved blood pressure, less worry, improved energy, positivity, financial freedom and abundance, and much more. â€‹


                                    Our Sessions 


We offer a variety of options, and many modalities of session work. Sessions are booked by the hour, and pro-rated for additional time past the hour. Sometimes sessions need to go longer; please let your therapist know before starting if you need to stick with the hour, or if you are flexible in case extra time is needed. 


We offer a wide variety of session work, and specialize in many modalities. Upon beginning the session, your therapist will assess and determine which method will be the best approach. If you have a specific request, that can also be accommodated.


It is recommended to do a minimum of 3 to 5 sessions initially, as energies are typically layered. Think of yourself as an onion, which also has many layers. Our remote one on one sessions, help strip away the layers so we can get to the core. Once the core, or root issue is addressed, many stressors can be resolved, brining about peace and harmony to the body, mind and soul. 





Master Jonathan Askren is a martial arts instructor and minister who specializes in long distance Shun Shen Tao Spiritual Clearing Sessions. These sessions are 60 minutes, and performed remotely in the comfort of your own home.  Master Jonathan Askren has studied under Grandmaster David and specializes in Emotional Clearing Techniques. He has advanced training and experience in spiritual clearing, and removing attachments, cords and negative entities and energies associated with the spiritual realm.


Alternatively, sessions can also be performed completely remotely, on a loved one or yourself, pet, relative, child, mother, or anyone in need of spiritual clearing, without being on the phone or zoom call. 




Cory Nix   With over 18 years of experience in the field of martial arts, Cory has honed his expertise and developed a deep understanding of how energy and our emotions can impact our physical body.  Cory specializes in Shun Tao Martial Arts, as well as a variety of Shun Shen Tao clearing techniques, including Emotional, Energetic, and Spiritual Clearings.   What sets him apart is his unique incorporation of martial arts private instructional training, combined with his knowledge of energy and how our emotions effect the physical body.  Recognizing the importance of flexibility and mobility, Cory seamlessly blends traditional martial arts techniques with the benefits of qi gong energy techniques, helping his clients achieve a deeper level of relaxation and decreased tension.  Cory's main goal is always to leave his clients feeling restored, rejuvenated, and deeply relaxed.




Ryu Harris  specializes in emotional balancing and clearing and is a facilitator of the Serenity Method, a powerful program and series of Shun Shen Tao clearing techniques designed to help people discover inner peace, purpose, and fulfillment. Through the Serenity Method, Ryu helps people overcome stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges, guiding them towards a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them. The benefits of working with Ryu and the Serenity Method can include, greater clarity of mind, improved relationships, increased confidence, and a renewed sense of purpose.  Whether you're struggling to overcome personal setbacks or simply seeking greater fulfillment in your life, Ryu's compassionate guidance and effective techniques can help you achieve the peace and balance you.






DISCLAIMER: Remote Sessions are not meant to take the place of Medical guidance, assistance or prescription drugs prescribed by a doctor.  We are not Medical Doctors nor do we make any claims to heal.  We are here to energetically assist you to de-stress, feel better and to improve your life. 


We at Divine Source Wellness are not medical doctors and do not practice medicine.  We do not diagnose, cure, heal, treat disease or otherwise prescribe medication. We assist people in correcting energetic imbalances in their bio-field that assists the body to release its innate healing ability. When the energy of the body is balanced and moving correctly, the body’s innate natural energy heals itself. All healing is self-healing. We  recommend that clients continue to see their regular medical doctors and follow their advice and our work is a complement to regular allopathic medicine. Our spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical diagnosis or treatment for any medical or psychological condition. For such issues, you should seek the proper licensed physician or healthcare professional. We are ministers and our work is spiritually based and we believe all healing is spiritual in nature. We do not make any promises, warranties or guarantees about results of our work or of the energy sessions. The energy programs sessions may help many people but like any modality it won't work for everyone. 


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